Ah 32-Bit! The savior, the technology that will prevent you from ever losing a recording ever again. Right? It's time to chat about 32-Bit recording. And not the GOOD stuff about it. There is good...
Tim Nielsen
Little Golden Statues
In the darkness of winter, especially in northern climates, people often succumb to something called S.A.D., or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The afflicted often become moody and depressed. I don't...
Universal Categories
It has been about three years since the COVID-19 pandemic sent us all scurrying into our homes, locking ourselves away, and finding projects to occupy our time. For me, that was UCS. Three years on,...
The Things I’ve Learned
Months ago, early one morning, when I couldn’t sleep, I jotted down thoughts about what I had learned after 25 years in the business. I posted it as a series of Tweets, and people seemed to enjoy reading it. I thought without the constraints of Twitter I would repost here as a blog post where I could expand on a few of the thoughts.
Remembering Rings Part 1
White socks. That is how my adventure in New Zealand began, with white socks. Landing in New Zealand after what felt like a week-long flight, I was greeted at the airport by Chris Ward and Peter Mills, two of the people already working on Fellowship and two of the people I would grow closest to over the coming year. They kindly offered to take me around Wellington the next day and give me a little tour of my new home. During that outing, they also casually mentioned that nobody in Zealand wore white socks
Hello World
Here, I hope to share what I have learned and experienced in my 25 years working in film sound. We’ll talk about microphones, recording, and mastering. We’ll ponder film sound, sound design, mixing, and template creation. It might be fun (for me, at least) to remember some of the films I’ve taken part in, to think about the creative process, and to look back on what we did and why we did it.